Find out your mold risk

Take our free MoldCo Home & Health Questionnaire.
Takes just 3 minutes
Learn if your home or office potentially has mold
Find out if you have the common symptoms of Mold Illness
Science-backed test and personalized results

Why complete the questionnaire?

Mold may be one of the largest, silent endemics:

  • An estimated 50% of homes have water damage (multiple studies).
  • The common symptoms of mold illness are varied, and include fatigue, brain fog, sleep issues, sinus issues, shortness of breath, weight changes, and hormonal changes.
  • Mold can grow within 24 to 48 hours of water exposure (EPA). 
  • Common “cosmetic” issues like paint peeling and cracks in your foundation can be signs of water damage.
  • Mold in your home and office is not always visible, and the EPA estimates that 85% of offices have had water damage.
  • Mold may produce a musty, earthy, damp odor, which can be a telltale sign of its presence even if it's not immediately visible.
  • 21% of American asthma cases could be associated with dampness and mold (WHO).
  • 96% of chronic sinus infections are a direct result of mold overexposure (Mayo Clinic).
The MoldCo Home & Health Questionnaire is free, evidence-backed & only 3 minutes.

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